When technical problems left a Staffordshire family stranded at a US airport, they were informed by their airline they may have to wait four days for a flight, but a call to Get Set Go’s John Lehnert saw the estimated delay cut in half and allowed the family to get home and back to work and school.
Karen Wright said: “We were stranded at Orlando Airport and, to be frank, the communication from the airline was terrible. “But I was able to contact John and, despite being on the other side of the Atlantic, he was able to help and ease the stress of having to deal with the airline.”
On first contact, John was able to assure Karen they would be able to stay in a hotel free of charge. But, once in the hotel, problems escalated, when the airline told the Wright family they were facing a four day wait to fly home.
The hotel, allocated by the airline, wasn’t what the family would have requested and the delay was causing genuine concern.
Karen said: “We were shocked. My husband and I run our own businesses and needed to get back to work and our children faced missing school.
“On top of that, we were now in a position where there were four of us, all sleeping together in one small room. with very noisy and poor-quality air conditioning. We certainly didn’t want to stay any longer than we had to.
“I spoke to John and he said he would do his best to help. While we slept, John was on the case and by the time I woke in the morning, he had sent a message saying he’d managed to secure alternative flights.
“This meant we were home in two days, rather than four – a great result. While the flights weren’t direct, we made it back in a timeframe that meant the children didn’t miss any school days.
“This wouldn’t have been possible if John hadn’t had the knowledge that meant he could give the booking agents all the alternative possible flights, rather than looking at a four-day delay for direct flights.
“Thank you, John, for all your help.”
John said: As a travel consultant, I’m not just here to sell you a holiday. I will contact customers on arrival to ensure everything is satisfactory and I’m here to help with any issues. “It was good to be able to take away some of the stress for Karen and her family by ensuring they found an alternative route back to England as soon as one was available.”